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The social, psychological and educational services we provide in Northern Lithuania include training, and supervision services for social work specialists, labour market integration services for long-term unemployed individuals and career guidance for young people, violent behaviour-changing programme implementation, free of charge complex services for families who experience crisis and many more paid and free activities that strengthen society's sensitive groups' competencies.

Social services


Complex Services For The Family

Services are aimed at strengthening the capacity of a person/family experiencing difficulties to cope independently with their problems, in order to avoid the possibility of more serious social problems and/or social risks in the future. 

Family Conference

Empowerment and reconciliation of the family and the child/children by finding resources for family and child support among the extended family and/or other persons of interest to the family, in order to find the solution for improving the situation of the child in the family and other environment.


Open Youth Work

The service aims to develop young people's personal and social competencies, to help them actively engage in community and social processes, and to respond flexibly and constructively to changes in their lives. Young people are motivated to take part in activities that are relevant to their interests, and are encouraged to develop their personal, entrepreneurship and skills required for the labour market.


Social Rehabilitation For People With Disabilities in The Community

Comprehensive services for people with disabilities, based on the nature, severity, and specificity of the disability are provided to develop social and independent living skills, to train and maintain or restore work experience, to empower people with disabilities to live independently in the community, as well as train and participate in the labour market or employment activities.


Support to Victims of Criminal Acts

We ensure assistance to individuals who are victims of a criminal offence committed in the territory of the European Union, before, during and, if necessary, after criminal proceedings and in all cases when criminal proceedings are not initiated, or when they are victims of criminal act commited outside of the territory of the European Union, when the criminal proceedings are taking place in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, while they are present in the Republic of Lithuania.

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Specialised Complex Assistance Centre

The aim of the Specialised Complex Assistance Centre is to provide specialised complex assistance to survivors of domestic violence.

Violent Behaviour Changing Programme

Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras runs a training programme "Reducing Violent Behavior". It aims to change the destructive behaviour and violent reactions of abusive men by applying various intervention models, thus helping to protect the victim of violence from repeated aggression.


Employment Creation Programme

The objective of the programme is to facilitate the integration of people preparing for the labour market into the labour market by providing employment encouragment and motivation services. The objectives of the programme are: to reduce social exclusion of the population in Šiauliai, who are preparing for the labour market, due to the lack of or insufficient access to services; to facilitate the transition of long-term unemployed people from unemployment to employment in the labour market.

Laboratory of emotions

The objective of the programme is to facilitate the integration of people preparing for the labour market by providing employment promotion and motivation services. The objectives of the programme are: to reduce social exclusion of Šiauliai citizens, who are preparing for the labour market, due to the lack of or insufficient access to services; to facilitate the transition of long-term unemployed people from unemployment to integration in the labour market.


Laboratory of emotions

The objective of the programme is to facilitate the integration of people preparing for the labour market by providing employment promotion and motivation services. The objectives of the programme are: to reduce social exclusion of Šiauliai citizens, who are preparing for the labour market, due to the lack of or insufficient access to services; to facilitate the transition of long-term unemployed people from unemployment to integration in the labour market.

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